Thursday, October 14, 2010

I hope I age like Patrick Stewart

This is how Snapple is made

The sequel to Snakes on a Plane

Me & Justin Bieber gettin down LOL

This pic is from the time I hung out with Katy Perry

Got me a very large coffee to get me thru the rest of the day

This is how to turn a pen into a bow n arrow

This is my new blackberry wallpaper lol so random

This probably wont come as a surprise to most of you

I iused to love when this would happen in school

I give time to eat a thumbs up

Hahaha look whos following pacman on Twitter

This is what I read growing up, I think I learned a lot

Whatever you do, don't go in the Owls fort

Something to think about next time you drink freshly squeezed orange juice

Awesome welcome mats for your home lol

YouTube is not the only site this applies to

My relatives, say hi :)

Awesome Batman & Robin painting on the sidewalk

Little girls bein just like their daddy, cute

lol @dave_6 makes me laugh with this one

I just 'liked' this on Facebook

Mushroom frog = awesome photograph

This is how cats get away with everything (and dogs get in trouble)

Odd artist drawing of more lifelike Sesame Street characters

So should girls

You know youre a computer addict when...

Domo and Hello kitty, united at last

Your fortune for today

Explaining why it seems like sometimes the Tetris block u need is on vacation

LOL I remember this happening in school.. "F*cking Melvin!"