Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Who recognizes what old school game I'm playing?

Copy & Paste babies lol love it (via @officeslave6)

Noooo Chun Li, what have you done?

I wish this was my bedroom, or at least something similar

Cheaper than buying and installing stairs is to do this

What a cool scissor holder, I'm trying to imagine what this looks like when the scissors arent in there

The cat really wanted in the room so i opened the door & he got scared when he saw this & ran away

These T-shirts have been tested on animals...

Hahaha have u ever felt like this when trying to take a good pic of yourself?

"And then God created Saturn... and he liked it, so he put a ring on it"

This took me exactly 10 minutes to prepare

I like this pic of a Tiger eating a pumpkin, thats kinda unusual

Wow a real life Peter Griffin haha thats nuts

This pie graph accurately represents how most ppl react to any spill

Why havent they done that yet? Im sure theyve made enough of them by now

This is currently my Blackberry wallpaper

"The only where place I am cool" this makes me laugh