Thursday, December 30, 2010

Playing some more Monopoly. Would anyone like to see me bring back daily vlogs in #2011?

Cowabunga, in case u wanna drool over it

Cleaning my car and loving it. I have far too much energy
Oh I see how this works. If a guy flirts but girl finds out he doesnt want committment, that makes him a boy, not a man. Thats stupid.

Got to eat a lil something before I get back to work fixing my desktop computer

Whose breasts would u like to see exposed from television?
No more scott sleep. Scott shower

I cant wait to eat

Just waiting for these to go ding

I'm so hungry!

Guess what im doing

I won at Monopoly :) got Boardwalk and Park Place

Somehow my shirts featured on Urban Dictionary. Thats one of my drawings top right