Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lee DeWyze won American Idol Season 9 and Simon Cowell says goodbye

I am pretty sure most of the world or at least America were watching American Idol tonight and are still thinking about tonights show and the whole season. I am sad the season is over and I am sad Simon has left the show. Better to have left a show than to be on a show that gets cancelled! American Idol was a brilliant idea for a show.

It was a lot of fun watching it narrow down to Lee DeWyze vs Crystal Bowersox. Honestly, considering last nights performances I would have thought that Crystal was going to win but Lee deserved it too and I'm glad he won. It is pretty awesome for Lee that he could be on the show at this time when American Idol will be changing and losing the classic face of Idol, Simon. But, I am sure the show will still be great. Cannot wait to watch next year.

So, that is it. Lee wins and Simon is gone. Aaron got a record deal and is on country radio. Casey James and Crystal Bowersox are probably getting offers for record deals right now. I'm sure all or many of the contestants are getting record deals right now. Lastly, Simon is gone. What are your feelings and thoughts?

All of this has inspired me to get funky. After is blog I'm going to go upstairs a play some music, maybe record another jammy jam.

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